

Actions USB 2. 0 (HS) Win. USB Device Drivers for Windows 8, 7, Vista - Actions Semiconductor Co LTD  This page contains the drivers installer for Actions Semiconductor Co LTD USB Actions USB 2. HS) Win. USB Device USB .

Win. USB (Winusb. Installation (Windows Drivers)For certain Universal Serial Bus (USB) devices, such as devices that are accessed by only a single application, you can install Win. USB (Winusb. sys) in the device's kernel- mode stack as the USB device's function driver instead of implementing a driver. Such a device is called a Win. USB device and does not require you to write a custom INF file that references in- box Winusb.

Actions Usb 2.0 Hs Winusb Driver

Actions Semiconductor ATM USB 2.0 (HS) WinUSB Device Driver v2.0.0.3. Actions Semiconductor ATM USB 2.0 (HS) WinUSB Device Driver v2.0.0.3 (Read 2303 times).

As part of the driver package, you provide an.inf file that installs Winusb.sys as the function driver for the USB. This page contains the driver installation download for Actions USB 2.0 (HS) WinUSB Device in supported models (MIM 2270) that are running a. Windows Sensor Driver and WinUSB - Sensor Driver. WinUSB is a generic USB. WinUSB driver will get installed without any user intervention by using the new INF package. To identify a USB device as a WinUSB device. If you have such a motherboard, you can use the drivers provided by Realtek. Actions USB 2.0 (HS) WinUSB Device Drivers Download. In our share libs contains the list of Actions USB 2.0 (HS) WinUSB Device drivers all versions and available for.

When you connect a Win. USB device, the system reads device information and loads Winusb. For more information, see Win.

USB Device. Installing Win. USB by specifying the system- provided device class. When you connect your device, you might notice that Windows loads Winusb. IHV has defined the device as a Win. USB Device). Otherwise follow these instructions to load the driver: Plug in your device to the host system.

Open Device Manager and locate the device. Right- click the device and select Update driver software.. Select it to load the driver. If Universal Serial Bus devices does not appear in the list of device classes, then you need to install the driver by using a custom INF. You must add the GUID manually by following this procedure. Load the driver as described in the preceding procedure. Generate a device interface GUID for your device, by using a tool such as guidgen.

Actions Usb 2.0 Hs Winusb Driver

Set the value to the GUID you generated in step 2. Disconnect the device from the system and reconnect it to the same physical port.

Note. The following example . Win. USB installation for most USB devices with some modifications, such as changing USB. You should also change the version, manufacturer, and model sections as necessary.

For example, provide an appropriate manufacture's name, the name of your signed catalog file, the correct device class, and the vendor identifier (VID) and product identifier (PID) for the device. Also notice that the setup class is set to . You can obtain the hardware ID for the function from the properties of the devnode in Device Manager. The hardware ID string format is . These list items describe the Includes and Directives in the preceding .

USB. You should not modify these directives. USB. This . inf file is installed by the Win. USB co- installer if it isn't already on the target system. The Needs directive specifies the section within Win. USB. inf that contains information required to install Winusb.

You should not modify these directives. Note. It specifies the device interface globally unique identifier (GUID) for your device. The Add. Reg directive sets the specified interface GUID in a standard registry value. When Winusb. sys is loaded as the device's function driver, it reads the registry value Device. Interface. GUIDs key and uses the specified GUID to represent the device interface.

You should replace the GUID in this example with one that you create specifically for your device. If the protocols for the device change, create a new device interface GUID.

Note. Setup. Di. Get. Class. Devs returns the device handle for the device that the user- mode software must then pass to the Win. Usb. For more info about these routines, see How to Access a USB Device by Using Win. USB Functions. The following INF installs Win.

USB as the OSR USB FX2 board's function driver on a x. The example shows INF with WDF coinstallers. Most USB devices can use these sections and directives without modification. Use the free version to install Win.

USB on free builds of Windows, including all retail versions. Use the checked version (with the . Other USB devices might be using Win. USB, so its binaries must remain in the shared folder. The driver package must contain these files: Win.

USB co- installer (Winusbcoinstaller. KMDF co- installer (Wdfcoinstaller. XXX. dll)An . inf file that installs Winusb. The co- installer files must be obtained from the latest version of the WDK, so that the driver supports all the latest Windows releases. The contents of the driver package must be digitally signed with a Winqual release signature.