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The Street Vendor Project The Street Vendor Project. When I first left Mexico and came to America 2. I never imagined trying to create a good life for my family would be almost impossible—and punishable by law. That’s my reality in New York City.
My name is Guadalupe and I am a wife, mother, and mobile food vendor. I’ve worked jobs ranging from housekeeper to attendant at a dry cleaners. But commuting for hours every day at jobs I didn’t love prevented me from seeing the very people I was doing it for: my family. So I decided to become my own boss. I began selling tamales door- to- door six days a week, sometimes going to bed around 2. AM and waking up at 4. AM to continue preparing for the upcoming day.
It was hard, but becoming a small business owner let me pick my hours; so the minute that bell rang and my kids were out of school, I could be around them. Now, I can vend just on the weekends because I have loyal customers who keep coming back for my authentic soft tamales. And they can expect real Mexican tamales for a long time, because I’m teaching my kids the tricks of the trade so one day they can inherit the business and experience the joy that comes with working hard and making great food for a great city.
Being a mobile food vendor gives me the best of both worlds: I can provide for my family while being around them. But a cap enacted in the 1.
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Instead, we get fined and are put on a wait list to get a permit. And there’s a lottery to get on the wait list, and there are over 2,0. New York City should be the heart in the land of opportunity, but instead, these caps limit opportunity for thousands every year. In October, legislation that would increase the number of available permits was introduced to the New York City Council’s Committee on Consumer Affairs.
If the Committee votes to lift the caps, thousands of local New York City vendors will finally be able to own and operate their businesses. You can help me and other mobile food vendors throughout New York City achieve our dreams. Please sign this petition and help us tell City Council to lift the caps!